Ulysses of Eros was a paladin of Sune who went on a vision quest south to respond to Sasha Ivliskova's pursuit. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. Giving way too much info out on the front page, imo. Bane the Blackhand is the god of hatred, fear and tyranny. His impeccable memory makes up for his dreadful handwriting. I actually did something similar. Tessa is a mute but observant bookworm at St. Andral's Orphanage. Godfrey was a high-ranking Knight of the Silver Dragon during the fall of the order, events which led to him become a revenant. The castle is covered in spiderwebs and the braziers are rarely lit because Strahd has no servants and spends all his time in his lab. DEC/16. (Players can attempt to visit him by walking round the lake, or by taking fishing . Diavola is Lady Fidatova's beloved handmaid and the constant subject of her social experiments. Yevgeni is a man of few words, and the hunting partner of Szoldar Szoldarovich. It is ambiguous whether it was a mistake or a suicide. To date there are 10 main campaigns you can choose from for your next D&D adventure: Tyranny of Dragons, Princes of the Apocalypse, Out of the Abyss, Curse of Strahd, Storm King's Thunder, Tomb of Annihilation, Dragon Heist , Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Descent Into Avernus , and Rime of the Frostmaiden. Mordenkainen is presumed by the party to be the ally in the battle against darkness mentioned in the prophecy foretold by Madam Eva once his mind is restored by holy magic powerful enough to do so. If the heroes accept the dinner invitation, Strahd actually does host a feast for them and thanks them. It was written by Christopher Perkins, with story help from the original Ravenloft authors, Tracy and Laura Hickman. A small comment regarding vampires: you could argue that he could just turn someone into a vampire so that he has an undead lover. Bascal was an experimental and worldly chef who worked in King Barov's court. Hans was an orphan from Vallaki that sacrificed himself at the Ring of Stone in order to save his best friend Kellen. In 2016, Wizards of the Coast decided to update and modernize Ravenloft, releasing Curse of Strahd. He often has to collaborate with the Baroness whenever there is a costume festival that needs preparation. Walter was the child of Gustav Durst and Margaret, and was killed by Elisabeth for her cult's final ritual. Kristofor is a quarryman and labourer at Fidatov estate, often doubtlessly fetching components for Fidatova's projects. Baratok by Dinomaniac on DeviantArt. (Maybe a lifetime in servitude keeping tabs on a vampires finances is a fate worse than undeath?). " The Philantropist: This card tells of history. Miral is a pianist, trained by Lady Fidatova to use the instrument built by her mother. Curses NEEDto rhyme. The Dark Powers taunt the Darklords by dashing their hopes time and again. Also known as: The Mad Mage of Mount Baratok View flipping ebook version of Curse of Strahd published by raptorhunter182 on 2019-06-22. Strahd is not happy of being eternally imprisoned, and would very much just die and be done with his obsession. Spoilers for Curse of Strahd lurk ahead! Turned into a Vampire Spawn by Strahd during the Mad Mage's failed attack on Ravenloft: 31. Recharged: Waterdeep Dungeon of the Mad Mage. JavaScript is currently disabled. Rowena is an adventurer and the favoured, exemplary daughter of the true Medusa. How they received such powers has varied over the years, but Curse of Strahd states that the Vistani saved Strahds life and remain one of the few groups that he is indebted to and who are allowed to travel freely. Lorgoth the Decayer was the moniker given to the demon summoned by Elisabeth Durst using Walter's soul. Home; Categories. When he made his pact, the dark lords granted him an immortal name, making him an immortal undead, and the company of the ones he loved, by having them reincarnate each time in a person that won't love him." Carnis was the Abbot's prototype bride for Strahd. I climbed down to the river to search for the wizards body, but the River lvlis had already spirited him away.. Recharged: Waterdeep Dragon Heist. Vortico was a former highwayman travelling across Agarthia who hid in a Vistani wagon with the intention of stealing it. Talia was a lonely locksmith in Krezk who was overcome with greed when she discovered a deadly poison ingredient in the valley. If Strahd is killed, the Dark Powers will resurrect him in a matter of months. Headmistress Claudia has stayed at St. Andral's Orphanage in Vallaki all of her life, now running it as tidily as she can. Mordenkainen is a powerful wizard who rallied the population of Barovia to his side and led an attack against Castle Ravenloft approximately one year ago. . Love means giving yourself to someone else intentionally, not because you're forced to. [6], In the Year of the Scarlet Witch, 1491 DR, Mordenkainen, still suffering from bouts of madness, was in Waterdeep, where Storm Silverhand and Elminster were helping him to recover from them. Lady Isolde the Incredible was an antique trader and old associate of the Zarovich family. He stirred them with thoughts of revolt and bore them to the castle en masse. Willemina owns a shoe shop in Vallaki, but has spent most of her time at St. Andral's Church in protest of her son's arrest. They work really well when you don't know anything about their nature. [13], His toenails appeared to be a venerated item in some places.[19]. Father Donavich is the reclusive priest of Barovia village, who prays night and day for relief from his dark circumstance. In Curse of Strahd, General Kroval "Mad Dog" Grislek is buried in Castle Ravenloft. However, he underestimated Strahd's power and, after barely surviving a confrontation with him, he lost his spellbook and his staff, eventually losing his memory and being driven to the brink of madness. She acts more like an adult than a blank spell has a remaining duration of 3d6 hours, after child. Taltos is the main manservant at Fidatov manor, and bodyguard of Lady Fidatova. The others are empty shells bereft of charm and imagination. If you are just starting your campaign, I also recommend getting a Guide to the Curse of Strahd campaign. If you want your players to experience horror, they should never really grasp them. Curse of Strahd: Revamped: October 20, 2020: Softcover edition of Curse of Strahd, Creatures of Horror bestiary, a 54-card tarokka deck, a Tarokka Deck booklet, a DM Screen, double-sided poster map, Strahd cover sheet, tuck box for the cards and 12 postcards. Khazan's fate: this brings to the third major retcon I did. At the end of the day Strahd is a fan of theatrics and as a DM you should be too. Helga is the melancholic and enigmatic maid at Ravenloft. The Harpy of Horinshire was a monster that hunted in the town of the same name before its capture by Dr. Van Richten. However, he underestimated Strahd's power and, after barely surviving a confrontation with him, he lost his spellbook and his staff, eventually losing his memory and being driven to the brink of madness. My party started Curse of Strahd at level 6 and I have planned for them to go up to level 14 or 15. New Account (or Log In) Hide my password. The Mad Mage's mind connection to Strahd. Session #13. Haliq is the loyal valet of the Lady Wachter, and her closest confidant regarding her book club. Izek is Baron Vargas' infamously brutal protg and captain of the guard in Vallaki. Sorvia is one of three owners of the Blood of the Vine tavern, and outcasts from the Tser Pool camp. Feb 21st 2023. A guide to give your rendition of Strahd some real bite. But the Keepers of the Feather, a family of wereravens hiding in Vallaki, remains a prominent group that opposes Strahd. He is the only surviving adventurer that has been lured to Barovia. Side note, this isn't really discussing DM's Guild Content -- maybe it's a better topic for the Story & Lore section of the forum. A rare moment of rest as the party decide what to do next. Recharged: Tyranny of Dragons. She was resuscitated, and would go on to inspire a rebellion against Strahd, which she would die leading. The baron of Vallaki also holds festivals to keep spirits up. Arik is the soulless bartender of the Blood of the Vine tavern. Tatsaul was the moniker given by Strahd to a squire of the Silver Dragon that Artimus Fidatov helped fake the death of. She has the latter's gift of foresight. This section contains canon info from officially published sources. -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/castlemac Hope this helps. I had him record his memories in several gems (which made a pretty decent puzzle to recreate his story by arranging the sentences found here and there) that can be found around his tower. It was released in March 2016. Ghosts of Saltmarsh; The Orrery of the Wanderer; Essentials Kit . [17][note 1], He was also an acquaintance of Khelben Arunsun. Bethel is the owner of the Dusklight Supply Shop and a staunch believer in the protective power of the Baron's festivals. In Strahds case, his desire for a life with Ireena is something he can never realize. Strahd is the ruler of Barovia on the material realm, and is well loved as an enlightened despot. More from this Title's Contributors. The residents of the pocket dimension (also called Barovia) only know legends of the decrepit castle on the hill that used to house a powerful vampire. They're there, invincible and never truly seen, never to be understood nor defeated. Abuse this and bait foolhardy adventurers into traps and other horrors that could reside in the castle. Strahds subjects live in three major communities: Barovians are superstitious and distrustful, and Curse of Strahd states that only about one in 10 of them truly possess a soul. Bildrath Chekhov has retained the most successful general store in Barovia village through his shrewd and diligent ways. Strong writing from Jeremy Blum with great organization and efficient summary; good example of enhanced supplementation from D&D Beyond. Baratok and became friends. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. The Demigod Arijani, from the Demiplane of Dread Sri Raji. She is his loyal horse and wagon puller. Vistani matriarch Madam Eva also happens to be Strahds half-sister a mind-boggling fact that the vampire himself is unaware of and regularly asks her people to find otherworldly adventurers who might be able to set her half-brother free. The Curse of Strahd Companion is your comprehensive guide to running 5th Edition's greatest and grimmest campaign. The following aspects of this iconic villain are worth memorizing: Strahd was a warlord who defeated the enemies of his deceased father, King Barov. The eldest son of Yonvich, and the only one without a blood relation to him. . Myrtle is the daughter of the Kreivas, who loaned her in order to fund their dream addiction. Yesper is the horse-keeper for Fidatov estate, and an animal conservationist. Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage More from this Title's Contributors Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased . The Fey Queen of Diamonds is a winter eladrin that owned territory in the Daraman feywild, and would routinely make humans in the city disappear by sending them forward in time. I just finished CoS with my playgroup (I'm the DM) - and I made some changes to the way things played out, mostly because my players are very creative, and love to screw up Strahd's plans.I felt like the pacing was off with how open this campaign is, so I added an extra story hook about one of the vestiges in the amber temple breaking free. Equating these creatures as part of the forces of Strahd and this elk as a potential ally (and not just a normal animal . His wartime experiences caused him to grow cruel, however. Stahd has become angry at his residents who will not keep him supplied with fresh and now abducts them - his focus on his work and anxiety over his own continued failures have made him completely callous to the situation of his villagers - he sees them bound to the oath of their ancestors to keep him supplied with blood. Elisabeth Durst was the leader of a cult of the dark arts, dedicated to Strahd von Zarovich. Intree was the primary counsellor for King Barov during his rule, and taught battle strategy to a young Strahd. This man isnt undead, either hes just a servant that Strahd keeps chained up in Castle Ravenloft to count his money for him! Strahd's Barovia: A Guide to D&D's Most Famous Horror Setting, Strahd: The First Darklord of the Domains of Dread, Barovia is a Melancholic Realm Encircled by the Mists, Fresh Variations of Horror in Olde Barovia, Playing With Dark Gifts, a Double-Edged Sword for Characters, Drift Off Into I'Cath: The Domain of Dreams, Journey to Har'Akir: A Desert Domain Where the Dead Never Rest. My players have gathered all the legendary items, completed a majority of the chapters and are currently level 8 (they will be level 9 when they fight Strahd). He has spies at his disposal, including werewolves and druids who worship him on Yester Hill, a prominent landmark in western Barovia. Whether Strahd truly understands the nature of the Dark Powers that have shackled him to the Domains of Dread is a matter up for debate. Only instead I made Strahd have an illegitimate son, who he technically took by force to be raised in his domain. Laura is the captive of Baba Lysaga and the secret to their symbiotic immortality. A very charismatic man, he was. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. This isn't feasible right now, as the party has no means to cure the Mad . His son remains the only heir but also wants his father to be taken downand so secretly helps the party under an alias and servants. If Strahd finds love he won't be tormented anymore by desire, and thus the curse will be broken. Bram Stoker's Dracula and the anime adaptation of Castlevania are superb places to start. Old D&D lore, as outlined in Ravenloft sourcebooks such as second editions Realm of Terror, have established Strahd as the first Darklord. The prophecy of Madam Eva referenced a wizard at the base of Mount Baratok. Lord Nikolai is the eldest Wachter child, and a fervent alcoholic, constantly searching for mischievous distractions from his nobility. He stirred them with thoughts of revolt and bore them to the castle en masse. Lancelot is Gertruda's dog and routinely searches for her on the Old Svalich Road and around Barovia village. Unfortunately, Strahd thoroughly beat him and threw him over the edge of Tser Falls. Angelika was Davian's wife, best friend, and mother of their four children, and was killed by Baba Lysaga. There are segments of Barovian society that resist Strahds rule. Amazing article! how much is internet on princess? Authors. Lady Fidatova is the last of the Fidatov line of artisans, and is herself a brilliant mathematician. Danika Dorakova: p. 98 . The heroes encounter the Mad Mage and he welcomes them into his magnificent mansion! The book includes 22 revised room descriptions which accurately reflect rooms visible to players. I am going to updated it frequently and in the end I will do all Curse of Strahd original maps as well as homebrewed scenes (HB) we all learned to love by myself! Since then, he's never looked back and loves roleplaying games for the chance to tell the tales that have been swirling in his head since childhood. Comprehending as without difficulty as bargain even more than supplementary Yenva is the youngest son of Yonvich, and seeks to author new books and update Vallakian records while his father preserves old knowledge. very interesting, on the home page the first part got me hooked! My question is: Does his appearance in . 0. He lurks to this day on Mount Baratok. Kasimir is the sorrowful leader of the remaining dusk elves of Barovia, driven by his guilt over how he doomed them to a thousand-year genocide. This is Barovia, the most famous horror setting of Dungeons & Dragons. When the character is resurrected they gain a form of indefinite madness from realizing that their spirit is trapped in Ravenloft, possibly forever. My Strahd is not exactly evil, he's just so focused on finding a cure for his wife that he's completely forgotten everything else. The Mad Mage has a different spell list from that Strahd is probably one of the most iconic villains in the Dungeons and Dragons universe. You can draw inspiration from films like Midsommar to emphasize the creepiness of suchcelebrations! But when the devil Strahd fell upon him, the wizards magic couldnt save him. Baron Metus was a vampire lord and the vampiric sire of Erasmus van Richten. Talos the Stormbringer is the god of destruction, storms and rebellion. [1], Chaotic Neutral archmage (with different spells as given in the text)[1], http://fraternityofshadows.com/w/index.php?title=Mordenkainen&oldid=155870, Former Inhabitants of the Prime Material Plane. Yan was an outcast from the Vistani troupes in Barovia, who worked as a travelling smuggler. Luca is, perhaps unfairly, considered the village idiot of Krezk. Luvash is the son of Madam Eva, and the de-facto leader of the Vistani in Barovia. Come on, everyone is gonna love the mad otter mage! Lael Milpialda is an adventuring wizard and the youngest mage of the Milpialda Family. This will save time for new users. Kala is a seamstress whose passion for clothing has infected Lady Fidatova over the years. Burgomaster Kolyan was the beloved burgomaster of Barovia village before his death during the siege of his mansion. Waterdeep: Dragon Heist; Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage; 2019. Old Svalich Road cuts through Barovia and has been trodden by many adventurers over the years. Strahd even has an accountant named Lief Lipsiege whos been an intriguing fixture of Ravenloft since the original I6 module. Sir. Like Strahd himself, locals cannot leave which means that aside from the occasional foreigner, Barovia is largely a closed ecosystem. The | Login | My Library | Wishlists; Cart. Arahja is a scout for the Tser Pool camp, and a spy of Strahd. I'll put the main points under spoilers if anyone wants to browse. Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture . He also has the Regeneration ability which lets him turn fights into stalemates. Baratok is actually Mordenkainen who has gone mad. Piccolo is the newly beloved monkey companion of Blinsky, given to him by Rictavio. Lady Ortensia was the sibling apprentice of Lady Liliana, and a knight of Archamian. Lizabeta was the youngest daughter of Anna and Dmitri Krezkov, and died from a hereditary disease. Previously, the birds had met the Mad Mage of Mt. Old Katerina is a collector and trader in Krezk, who acts as an obscure charity shop owner. At some point, Strahd became too lonely and returned to the material realm to spend an evening with Tatyana. The article is great otherwise. Vilnius is a nomad who suffers from a highly lethal and communicable disease, and struck a bargain with the Queen of Poxes to survive. When the vampire appeared, the wizards peasant army fled in terror. This means your big bad villain across a year long campaign is only CR15. I also like the idea of Sergej's murder being forced as well: when he received his curse, the curse moved his hand. Prepared to run the Mad Mage ; The party had planned last session to find the Mad Mage of Mt. I saw the battle with my own eyes. . Its impossible to talk about Barovia without discussing Strahd von Zarovich, who first made his appearance in 1983s famous I6 module Ravenloft. Legendary wizard known as the Mad Mage of Mount Baratok. Recharged: Tomb of Annihilation. [1], The Mad Mage's paranoia resides in mansions created through his trademark spell high upon Mount Baratok. Hadar is an Elder Evil that clings to the 'dark side' of his eponymous star. The Mad Mage of Mount Baratok roams the lakeshore and electrocutes the fish, but hasn't been seen in awhile. Heres one of my favorites, and check the links below as well. [Mad Mage's Magnificent Mansion] . 2023 Wizards. She was killed after falling into a trap set up by the vampire. I was never a fan of horror but my players, they are always up for a good jump, I was working on a homebrew monster yesterday that doesn't really fit here but with the right description it can be a wonderful tool to not only scare players but the characters as well (frightful presence dc 21) I posted it and named it the Red Dragarasque (bad name I know) but the only problem is getting the gods angry at the pc's which I wrote as the only way to have it merge into such a horrific creature. Mordenkainen of Greyhawk fame also makes an appearance in Curse of Strahd. Instead of her being obviously evil (which by the way everyone figures out as soon as you mention "her sorrow soul asking for forgiveness so you should totally bring her back to life"), she is truly repented. Davian is the widower patriarch of the Martikov family, and the owner of the Wizard of the Wines Winery. If he Casts time stop, he'll be able to do it again after a long rest when his spell . -Strahd and Vampires. Exethanter is a blind lich, and the last survivor of the original Amber Circle. It looks fantastic. Baron Vargas Vallakovich is the burgomaster of Vallaki, and credits his extreme ruling methods as keeping Strahd out of the territory.
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