1. Obviously we cannot, for Scripture is clear that there is only one God: There is no other God besides me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none besides me. What Is the Trinity? (Free Downloads) - Ligonier.org So even if the Bible did call the Trinity a mystery it would only be saying it was unknown to the one not illuminated, i.e. While no church is perfect, the Trinity is still the model for the churchs unity (John 1:2123). The Holy Spirit is God. Then I'll share an activity using the Celtic Trinity Knot to explain the Trinity to children along with the love that exists between each of its Persons and us. 9:5; Col. 2:9), The Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:34; 2 Cor. 3:1417). Most people, including many Christians, struggle trying to apprehend the Trinity. And this teaching gives us a glimpse into the incomprehensible greatness of God. Elohimis the plural form of the word God. Looking for a great childrens Bible? Every time the wordElohim(plural) is used throughout the Old Testament referring to the one, true God, it is used with a singular conjugation of the verb. To help us do that, here are two reasons why the Trinity matters. There we read that " God said, 'Let us make man in our image' . Their prime usefulness it to show the mystery is not contradictory. The early church absolutely believed and taught the belief in a God who was three-in-one. In other words, Christianity is unique among all other worldviews. 10:57), The Holy Spirit indwells every Christian. Is the Trinity a contradiction? After understanding the difference between essence and personhood, most objections evaporate! John 1 tells us that the Word is Yeshua - that he was with God and was God from the get go, right there at creation. But analogies cannot entirely explain the mystery of God. God addressed in the second person singular (you): 2 Sam. (Againwere trying to grasp something that isnt fully grasp-able.). The concept of the Trinity is that we have God in three forms - a union of three. To be even more precise, essence is what you are. The idea that God is somehow three and one starts onPage 1and never changes. Answer. The triangle illustration is easy to understand, but an imperfect analogy because: Nonetheless, a triangle illustrates how there can be a three-ness and one-ness same time. 8:6a). Trinity not mentioned in the Bible anywhere! If youre wondering how to explain the Trinity to a child, keep it simple. From our understanding of the Trinity (a social being), we recognize that a person is a relational being, not just someone with a mind, a will, and . He was "begotten, not made," and he was of the same substance or essence ( homoousios) as the Father. using the shamrock or the three states of H 2 O to explain the . Faith is recognizing that we dont have all the answers and deciding that its okay to keep believing and growing. Paul unequivocally taught Jesus is God (Col. 2:9). Perhaps for the first time, you have read that the Trinity is a mystery and not acontradiction. Now lets dig into these imperfect yet better than nothing representations of the Trinity for kids. Jesus is the one whose life we try to copy. Therefore, it is often difficult to have a concrete definition of Person as we use it in regards to the Trinity. The concept of the Trinity is often referred to during worship, which helps Christians to understand it. "Economic" has to do with the history of salvation, and discusses the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the sending and mission of salvation. To understand more fully what God is like is a way of honoring God. Answers to questions on donations, financial policies, Crus annual report and more. This can only be if they share one essence. How to explain the Trinity to a new believer - Quora Ignore the urge to tie everything up with a nice little bow. How to Explain the Trinity to an Unbeliever The Village Church - Flower Mound 118K subscribers 36K views 5 years ago The Trinity is confusing even to most Christians, so we want to pull the. The Trinity Explained in 8 Steps - Binmin All three members of the Trinity have these characteristics. We begin with a brief discussion of the doctrine in historical context, explaining more fully the nature of the problem it raises. 8:3539; Eph. 13:14), the term Trinity does not appear. Believe it or not, the fact that God is too immense for our finite minds should be comforting, not discouraging! . Can We Explain the Trinity? | Desiring God Jesus is God, but He is not the Father or the Holy Spirit. Sproul cites as an example Dickens famous line, It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Obviously this is a contradiction if Dickens means that it was the best of times in the same way that it was the worst of times. I recently had some of my kids friends ask meWhat is the Trinity? God the Holy Spirit. This is something far removed from our human experience, where every different human "person" is a different being as well. But how can finite humans know anything about Gods infinite essence? 1:12). Yet Jesus would not have referenced the Trinity unless it was important. If we can understand more precisely what is meant by essence and person, how these two terms differ, and how they relate, we will then have a more complete understanding of the Trinity. They are different Persons, not three different ways of looking at God. Anytime you see a geometric figure with these features, it is a triangle. How Do You Explain the Trinity? - A Thimble-full of Theology for Daily The first commandment says, You shall have no other gods before me (Ex. Thats why they wrote words like we find inJob 11:7-8, "Can you fathom the depths of God or discover the limits of the Almighty? Grace is the promise that you stand forgiven before God if you know Jesus. They had to wait another 50 year for the 381 update. Now youre gonna tell me theyre all the same but also different? Think about it: Finite Christians serve an eternal and infinite God. Each person of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) really IS God. A Simple Way to Explain the Trinity - Keith Ferrin Get the answers to frequently asked questions on Christian beliefs and practices. Of course we are speaking by analogy here, for we cannot understand this in a physical way about God. They have eternally (John 17:5, 24) sought to glorify each other (Phil. While theconceptof the Trinity is evident in the New Testament (Matt. Third, Christians believe that the entire New Testament is inspired. He brings all light and life to the world. But that doesn't mean the concept isn't clearly taught. How to EXPLAIN The Trinity to a New Believer - Introduction to the Godhead In this video I will introduce the godhead or the trinity in one of the easiest te. The Trinity was present in the atonement at the cross. 1:3), Demonstrated divine sovereignty over nature (Matt. Binmin Podcast 8: God & Origins | What Questions Should I Ask About My Faith, Binmin Podcast Ep. ). 2:8-9), we can become Gods children. Thus, as Wayne Grudem writes, When we speak of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit together we are not speaking of any greater being than when we speak of the Father alone, the Son alone, or the Holy Spirit alone.[2]. No, the word Trinity does not appear in the Bible. Not the answer an enquiring young mind was looking for. . Just hang on a little longer. (Ohand I'll send you my free guideThe Simplest Way to Study ANY Bible Passageas a "Thank you" for jumping on board!). A triangle must have three sides three corners (angles), and the sum of the three angles must be 180 degrees. This formulation can show us why there are not three Gods, and why the Trinity is not a contradiction. When you cut an apple in half, you can see that each of these three parts are different (at this point, you can cut the apple open for your kids! Learn the basics of what Christians believe. Sometimes the Personhood of the Father and Son is appreciated, but the Personhood of the Holy Spirit is neglected. The oldest member of the unholy trinity. 1:2), Jesus as God (Titus 2:13), and the Holy Spirit as God (Acts 5:3-4). Trinity, in Christian doctrine, the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead. However, you dont want to stop there with a student who can participate in a discussion. He is one in essence. Amen. The doctrine of the Trinity is considered to be one of the central Christian affirmations about God. Use your hobbies and interests to find the best place for you to serve. Explore answers to life's biggest questions. It is understandable that our finite minds cannot grasp an infinite God. He is three in Person. Gods attributes are not parts of his singular divine essence. This verse accurately states the doctrine of the Trinity that God is One God in three Persons. Its a clear and concise explanation that works great for kids. How is God three? 12:32; 28:19; Luke 3:22), There is one God and three Gods (a contradiction), God is one person and three persons (a contradiction), God has one nature and three natures (a contradiction), There is a functional order within the Trinity, Bowman, R Jr. The Biblical Basis of the Doctrine of the Trinity. Blue Letter Bible, https://www.blueletterbible.org/comm/bowman_robert/trinity/trinity.cfm#trin_1 Accessed: 1/20/2022. Yes, the Spirit was sent, but this does not imply that the Holy Spirit is less than they are. How do I explain to a non-believer that belief in the Trinity is The Bible is clear that all three Persons are each one hundred percent God. Errr, not quite. Show them that there are three parts: seeds, flesh, and skin. Other statements may at first seem contradictory but are really not. Bringing hope and resources to military families worldwide. The Hebrew word for God isElohim. They only describe what makes up Gods singular essence. A rumor is started, and it spreads like wildfire. Jesus, the Word, was present in Genesis 1. OrThe person were explaining it to will think that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are only parts of God (egg and sun). The word Trinity is never explicitly mentioned in the Bible; however, countless scriptures mention all three forms of God. 8:1417). We cannot compete, in simplicity, with people who are inventing religions. After all, each of these illustrate the idea that God is made up of parts, and thats not really true. What does the Bible teach about the Trinity? | GotQuestions.org Then study the pronouns used in Scripture point to the Trinity: This one-ness is Gods one divine essence (Heb 1:3). Its a devotional book. You arent alone! Our fellowship with God should be enhanced by consciously knowing that we are relating to a tri-personal God! 2:34; Heb. Admittedly, the idea of three distinct persons/expressions that are each fully God is part of the mystery. The Trinity expresses the belief that God is one being made up of three distinct persons who exist in co-equal essence and co-eternal communion as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit . The doctrine of the Trinity is the belief that there is one God who has revealed Himself in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This doctrine is absolutely essential to New Testament Christianity. The technical term in case youre interested for this wrong way of thinking about God is calledmodalism. The late theologian Herman Bavinck has stated something very helpful at this point: The persons are modes of existence within the being; accordingly, the Persons differ among themselves as the one mode of existence differs from the other, and using a common illustration as the open palm differs from a closed fist.[4], Because each of these forms of existence are relational (and thus are Persons), they are each a distinct center of consciousness, with each center of consciousness regarding Himself as I and the others as You. Nonetheless, these three Persons all consist of the same stuff (that is, the same what, or essence). . Contrary to this, the passages we have seen imply that God always was and always will be three Persons. Remember, the nature or essence of an entity is the property or attributes that make it what it is. Explaining the Holy Trinity of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit will be needed at some point when presenting the God of the Bible to children, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons and other non-Christians. Then, ask them to write words on the poster that make up the character of God. This command lists all three persons of the Trinity. ETS members all confess the Father, the Son, and the Spirit to be "one in essence, equal in power and glory.". The Bible speaks of the Father as God (Phil. Kids understand the three different forms clearly, as separate objects. Does Matthew 28:19 Prove the Trinity? - Life, Hope & Truth After all, the Trinity is difficult to understand. Theologian R.C. He is three in a different way than He is one. In the baptism of Jesus, we see the Father speaking from heaven and the Spirit descending from heaven in the form of a dove as Jesus comes out of the water (Mark 1:10-11). 8:26), comprehends (1 Cor. The Bible reveals that God isone, in essence, eternally revealed inthree Persons. Ive already done your research at my local library. The Father is God. Unfortunately, there are many illustrations which are not simply imperfect, but in error. Must you become a better person so that God will accept you? He exists as a Trinity. While it is good for us to seek understanding of the Trinity, we cannot fully comprehend God. From the 1950s to the 2000s, people wanted to see if they could make computers exhibit intelligence indistinguishable from humans. Essence and person are not the same thing. Each of the persons is distinct from the other in relation (Economic Trinity), yet each is identical in essence (Ontological Trinity). 2. But all three must be present simultaneously for the geometric figure to be a triangle. These definitions express three crucial truths: (1) The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct Persons, (2) each Person is fully God, (3) there is only one God. God the Holy Spirit is the warmth you feel from the sun. The Definition Of The Trinity. There are three Persons with one divine essence! We need you. Fortunately, the most popular analogy of the Trinity is the triangle. You can't explain the Trinity to anyone who reasons because: 1) The Bible does not support it. Christianity is a monotheistic religion. This triune God (or Trinity) began to allude to this aspect of His nature right in Genesis 1:26-27. They are higher than the heavenswhat can you do?, "For as heaven is higher than earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.. We will never sell your information, for any reason. Satan existed with the angels at the beginning of creation as one of the cherubim. But dont get confused. The Holy Trinity is depicted in the Church of Debre Berhan Selassie in Gondar, Ethiopia. With input from her father, fart followed within a day or two, and I was horrified, but also excited that she mysteriously managed an r-controlled vowel without any explicit instruction. 1:2;). .. The only way humans can know about these mysteries is because the Bible teaches them. Now lets go a little deeper and consider the triangles three corners (angles). The Trinity and Christian Unity - Ligonier Ministries The word "trinity" is a term used to denote the Christian doctrine that God exists as a unity of three distinct, simultaneous persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Have a great discussion about it! To this day, this scripture inspires the language we use to baptize people across Christian denominations. 10:2831), In Johns writings (1 John 4:1314; Rev. Ask them to draw it on the page. The second point of clarification has to do with personhood. Our kids are currently 2, 4, and 7, and its equally loved by all of them, so the Yoto age range is really wide! The Trinity confuses even adults, so when youre tasked (or inspired) to teach the Trinity to a child, teenager, or new believer, it can be overwhelming.