Similar requests have been sent to Wiley and to Taylor & Francis. In Romanian academia, plagiarism is rampant, as is nepotism, he says. With so little time to prepare any defence, he tried to explain to them that their best hope of avoiding the death sentence was to plead insanity. The troops then led them to a wall, took six steps back, and unloaded their Kalashnikov assault rifles. Those few people who dared to resist her demands were removed from their positions. ", s:Transcript of the closed trial of Nicolae and Elena Ceauescu, "Procese, cazuri celebre- Procesul sotilor Ceausescu. In official statements, she was referred to as the Mother of the Nation. Many Romanians had other not so flattering names for her. This included all joint projects with researchers from other institutions, like me and other colleagues of mine. Naturally, Elena sought what was probably the most prestigious scientific honor in Europe: membership in Britain's Royal Society. All of the scientific honors in the world could not protect Elena from the fall of her husband's regime during the 1989 Romanian Revolution. Ceauescu was invited to the White House in 1970 and 1978, and in the same year was the first communist head of state to visit London. Without them, those like Elena Ceauescu would not have existed as a world-renowned scientist.. [17][18][19][20] Contributing to the humorous effect, "codoi" is an actual word in Romanian, meaning "big tail". In 1978, during Nicolae Ceauescu's state visit to the United Kingdom, The Royal Institute of Chemistry admitted Elena Ceauescu into membership as a Fellow. She wouldnt hear of having just any job. I expressed a strong opposition to such a step.. At the end of her life, however, she was a PhD in chemistry, and was the author of many scholarly papers on the subject. Dormant, perhaps, but certainly not dead. Most likely inspired by this, she began to engineer her own political rise in Romania. No accident that the word Codoi is not just an acronym, but an actual word in Romanian meaning big tail, which stout Elena Ceausescu had and tried to hide. [8], Several countries criticized the new rulers of Romania after the execution due to lack of public trial. Later footage shows a medic checking Mrs. Ceausescu for signs of life as she lies in a stream of blood pouring from a wound in her head. [38], In 2009 Valentin Ceauescu, elder son of the Ceauescus, argued that the revolutionary forces should have killed his parents when they had arrested them on 22 December since they did not need any trial. Cel mai controversat proces romanesc", "Schimbare n Dosarul Revoluiei. Behr, Edward.Kiss the Hand You Cannot Bite: The Rise and Fall of the Ceausescus. At the time, Teodorescu was a young assistant professor with a research laboratory in ICECHIMs rubber department. Romania sells communist luxuries of ex-ruler Ceausescu - BBC News Her arms, and those of her husband, were tied behind their backs. (2012), Last edited on 27 February 2023, at 07:50, Trial and execution of Nicolae and Elena Ceauescu, 2500th Anniversary of the founding of the Persian Empire, Order of the Liberator General San Martn, Timisoara: The Real Story Behind the Romanian Revolution, "FOND C.C. The couple fled as a crowd gathered and in the ensuing chase were forced to change cars after running out of gas. The Ceauescus took another car and told its driver, Nicolae Petrior, to drive them to Trgovite. They were finally surrounded at an agriculture center. He argued that it was a coup d'tat organized by the Soviets. Publications steadily appeared under the name of Professor Doctor Engineer Elena Ceaucescu. Other articles where Elena Ceauescu is discussed: Nicolae Ceauescu: In 1939 he married Elena Petrescu, a Communist activist. She was deeply involved in party administration alongside Nicolae and was one of the few spouses of a Communist Party leader to have a high political profile of her own. Elena was failing in school and left after the fourth grade; according to some sources, she was expelled for cheating. She never wrote a thing herself during her entire life. Journal articles under her name appeared in publications such as the Journal of Macromolecular Science and the now discontinued Journal of Molecular Catalysis. They were buried together at Bucharest . Years later, Corcioveci acknowledged the truth behind Elena's international reputation: "We were told: no paper can be written or published, no conference delivered without Elena Ceausecu's name appearing in first place. elena ceausescu smell It was perhaps not accidental that "Codoi" also means "big tail" in Romanian. Over the course of his rule, Ceauescu and his wife organized a cult of personality around the leader, which in many ways paralleled that of Mao, Stalin, and Hitler. In their letter to Elsevier, sent on 10 December, Teodorescu, Isloi, Dumbrav and their co-authors call Ceauescus behaviour a ruthless act of intellectual misappropriation. The pair had fled from power in a . The Romanian embassy then turned to the Royal Society of Chemistry, which made Elena an honorary fellow, and the Polytechnic of Central London, which gave her the title of honorary professor. Trying to flee the country using over $1 billion deposited in foreign banks. She wanted to be called Professor Doctor Engineer, and she found no opposition at the Romanian Academy, since resistance was both futile and dangerous. Elena Ceauescu - Wikipedia As Elena traveled the world, she became more and more jealous of what others had. Obviously, everyone knew she was an imposter. I consider that it is a moral issue to correct this.. However, the real story is that she paid off/coerced noted scientists to write her doctorate and other papers. 1998-06-30, Elena Ceausescu; Doctor Horroris Causa PI, Ep 305Recorded LIVE with the Somerville Producers Group on Dead Air Live at Somerville Community Acces. The pair were accused of ordering the deaths of 60,000 people during their reign and stashing up to a billion dollars in foreign bank accounts. [3][4][5] Nevertheless, the charges did not affect the trial. We are well aware that these titles have ended up in your catalogue through no fault of your own. Elena and Nicolae Ceauescu during their brief trial before a military tribunal on 25 December 1989. why would an inmate go to the hole. Pergamon, which was owned by Robert Maxwell, also published hagiographic biographies of several eastern bloc leaders, including one on the Romanian dictator titled: Nicolae Ceauescu: Builder of Modern Romania and International Statesman (1983). Both the University of London and the Royal Society rejected the Romanian requests. [11], The charges were published in Monitorul Oficial the day after the execution:[12], The morning of the trial, prominent lawyer Nicu Teodorescu was having Christmas breakfast with his family when he was telephoned by an aide to Iliescu, and asked by the National Salvation Front to be the Ceauescus' defence counsel. AL P.C.R. April 22, 1990 PARIS (AP) _ Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu wept silently and his wife Elena begged for mercy as soldiers readied them for the firing squad, according to footage of their execution broadcast Sunday. Young Pioneer Tours are the leading budget and adventure travel operator in the DPRK (North Korea). Deletant was asked whether this was a wise decision. Over the course of Ceausescu's rule, Nicolae and Elena constructed a personality cult around themselves, which in many ways paralleled those of Mao, Stalin, and Hitler. elena ceausescu smell - Teodorescu wants the works on which she was the sole author withdrawn and her name removed where she was a co-author. By all accounts, Elena was crude, not bright, devious, vindictive and intensely concerned with her not so good looks. She was also the Deputy Prime Minister of Romania. The trial of Nicolae and Elena Ceauescu was held on 25 December 1989 by an Exceptional Military Tribunal, a drumhead court-martial created at the request of a newly formed group called the National Salvation Front. She gave orders, she wanted no arguments, Behr writes. Young Pioneer Tours organize a number of Group and independent trips throughout the old Soviet Union, including Chernobyl, Chechnya, Magadan, Tiraspol, and much more. The four are said to have confessed to all charges", "In Romania, Ceausescu's death haunts Christmas", "Ceausescu execution 'avoided mob lynching', "Ceausescu Wept as He Faced Firing Squad, Footage Shows", "The Undead:Nicolae Ceauescu and paternalist politics in Romanian society and culture", "Ceausescus Expected to Be Rescued, Lawyer Says", "Trial and Execution: The Dramatic Deaths of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu", "25 Years After Death, A Dictator Still Casts A Shadow in Romania", "Nicolae si Elena Ceausescu: Impreuna am luptat, sa murim impreuna! As is the Romanian politicians objective of having academic titles or PhDs, which is looked upon as a consequence of the obsession that the Ceauescus had of embodying both political and scientific figures.. We have a long and proud history of arranging cultural projects with the Korean people; be it through art, sport, or whatever medium brings people together. Subversion of state power by organising armed actions against the people and state power. [32], The firing squad began shooting as soon as the two were in position against a wall. The Vanity Cult of Elena Ceausescu - Hated Wife of - The Vintage News Isloi says Ceauescus impact on science in Romania persists. Behr calls the proceedings "farcical" and it is clear that the prosecutors were performing an act of restitution that the entire nation desperately needed. [35], The bodies were exhumed for identification and reburied in 2010. [34] The Ceauescus' corpses were taken to Bucharest and buried in Ghencea Cemetery on 25 December 1989. omanian researchers have called on academic publishers to remove Elena Ceauescus name from almost two dozen scientific papers and books fraudulently published as her work, more than 30 years after the wife of the former communist dictator Nicolae Ceauescu was executed. From 1972 on, however, as her husband solidified his power, she was elevated to more and more powerful government positions. The petitions were turned down and Elena had to settle for an honorary degree from the Central London Polytechnic and an honorary fellowship from the Royal Institute of Chemistry. : 180", Enhanced Personality Cult for Elena Ceauescu, Ceauescus Scharfrichter der Diktator und sein Henker, "RAD Background Report/135 (Romania) 27 July 1984 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE CEAUSESCU CLAN", Amazon sale of Elena Ceausescu PhD thesis, "Viata lui Ceausescu. [22] In March 1974, she was made a member of the Romanian Academy's Section for Chemical Sciences. The "trial" that sealed the Ceausecus' fate was perhaps the perfect foil for the decades of falsification and fraud that defined Elena's scientific career. The only problem was that she pretty much illiterate due to her lack of education as a child. The sale items include a pen holder made of. Photo 2018, [31] Simon Sebag Montefiore wrote that, before the sentences were carried out, Elena Ceauescu screamed, "You sons of bitches!" Elena never admitted to any of this and insisted until the end of her life that the institutions really wanted to grant her recognition for her scholarly work. Dumbrav says this is probably why she specialised in polymer research in her academic publications. Nicolae Ceauescus Romanian communist regime hailed his wife as an eminent chemistry researcher, though she had no genuine qualifications. Hanson, Roger. Elena Ceauescus claim to scientific status was driven by her own desire for prestige and Romanias curious position as the communist state most indulged by the west, despite the crushing brutality of the regime. 'A moral issue to correct': the long tail of Elena Ceauescu's Four top Ceauescu aides later admitted complicity in genocide in 1990. While in prison, Ceauescu became a protg of his cell mate, the Communist leader Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, who would become the undisputed Communist leader of Romania beginning in 1952. [41] On 1 March 1990, Colonel Gic Popa, who presided over the trial and was promoted to General, was found dead in his office. It was just a matter of chance, he says. Let Us Now Praise a Famous Woman: The Questionable Wisdom of British Institutions in Honouring Elena Ceausescu in the Late 1970s.New Scientist, Jan. 1990, But her name lives on in academic journals, and British institutions have yet to retract honours bestowed on her. Some twenty years later, Nicolae Ceauescu had risen to the top of the Romanian Communist Party and in 1965 became the head of the Party. [10], The Independent characterized the trial as "what can best be described as an egregiously conducted summary trial, at worst a kangaroo court". He spent much of Romanias Gross Domestic Product on his palace (still one of the largest buildings on Earth), and created a security apparatus that was so intrusive that it is estimated that over ten percent of the countrys population were informants. Elena Ceausescu, whose husband Nicolae Ceausescu kept an iron grip on Romania for 24 years from 1965 to 1989, was better known for fur coats than shoes. Side by side with the President was his wife, Elena. While we canno, according to one of the men who killed the coupl, Turkmenistan reopens to tourism March 1st 2023. You'll most likely find it here. Clogg, Richard. He says: The Romanian embassy in London made strenuous efforts to persuade certain British academic institutions to recognise Elenas scientific achievements she was trumpeted in the Romanian press as a scientist of world renown, even though her doctorate was the work, I was reliably informed by Romanian sources, of a professor at the University of Iai. According to these accounts, he and his wife were spotted being driven by their chauffeur to a metallurgy complex whose manager was a friend, and Ceausescu shot dead a factory guard who recognized him. After graduating from primary school in her village and moving to Bucharest, Ceauescu continued her education in the 1950s through night courses at the local Politechnic, obtaining a bachelor's degree in chemistry. However, we consider this correction of the scientific record to be crucial.. The answer he received was no.. Elena Ceauescu ( Romanian pronunciation: [elena tea.uesku]; ne Lenua Petrescu; 7 January 1916 [2] - 25 December 1989) was a Romanian communist politician who was the wife of Nicolae Ceauescu, General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party and leader of the Socialist Republic of Romania. All their expenses for food, clothes and leisure were taken care of. It was a world in which everything was dictated to you, he said. Since the formation of the Royal Society of Chemistry in our current form in 1980, we make public all of our honorary fellows. Indeed, Elena's insistence on her own primacy, as well as her unfortunate mispronunciation of the chemical CO2 as "CO-doi," earned her the unflattering nickname, Codoi ("doi" is the Romanian word for "two") (Kenyon cccxi). u.a. But that was not enough: Elena wanted every chemical institute in the country to come under one central institute in Bucharest, with herself at the helm. Our tours are very flexible in terms of itinerary, interests and we can cater to your budget too! Multisensorial exhibition. She worked in a lab then in a textile factory. [21], In 1957, she was hired as a research scientist at ICECHIM (National Institute for Chemical Research). Ceauescu was given many honorary awards for scientific achievement in the field of polymer chemistry during the period when her husband ruled Romania. Elena Ceausescu Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images In December of the same year, she was elected a member of the newly established National Council of Scientific Research, and in September 1966, she was awarded the Order of Scientific Merit First Class. [37], The hasty trial and the images of the dead Ceauescus were videotaped and the footage promptly released in numerous Western countries two days after the execution. Photo byFototeca online a comunismului romnesc. Whilst the regime attempted to enforce their morals, Elena was fairly hypocritical about this behind closed doors. Yet, she wasn't even a scientist. Militia and army officials at Tirgoviste said the couple was tried and executed at the local military barracks, near the railway station. Her international fame was supported by forcing Romanian chemists to write papers, some of which were published in international journals, as well as a book that was translated in English and published by Pergamon Press, a widely known British academic publisher, Isloi says. [13] Teodorescu met the couple for the first time in the Trgovite "court room", when he was given ten minutes to consult with his clients. I was invited by the principal of London University to discuss with him the grounds for the award of an honorary doctorate to Elena, Deletant says. Elena Ceauescu (Romanian pronunciation:[elena tea.uesku]; ne Lenua Petrescu; 7 January 1916[2] 25 December 1989) was a Romanian communist politician who was the wife of Nicolae Ceauescu, General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party and leader of the Socialist Republic of Romania. She was forced instead to present her thesis to Cristofor Simionescu[ro] and Ioan Ursu at the University of Iai, where she met with complete success. elena ceausescu smell This was done to ensure and prolong his personal rule, not for the benefit of the country. She was mocked by many, including an official who called her by this nickname during her show trial. Ceauescus reputation was also promoted by Romanian officials who pushed for recognition from respected institutions in the west. Dumbrav says she had a childish desire to be showered with gifts from around the world as a sign of her prestige. Shoes, furs and hypocrisy: Why we love to hate despots' wives Sometimes, Elena was invited to international scientific conferences. The Ceauescus brushed off the idea; according to Teodorescu, "When [he] suggested it, Elena in particular said it was an outrageous set-up. Order. You could not sacrifice a cow in your village. The science in those papers was sound, Teodorescu says its just that Ceauescu had no involvement in it. But according to one of the men who killed the couple, Elenas final words, were far from diplomatic. Ce au decis judectorii", "Television shows last hours of the 'anti-Christ', "Nicolae Ceausescu's Grave Sightseeing", "Romanian Ex-President Iliescu Indicted For 'Crimes Against Humanity', "Romania Indicts Former Officials for Usurping 1989 Revolution", "Mori NEELUCIDATE care pteaz imaginea justiiei din Romnia", "How many countries still have the death penalty? She was 73 years old. Ion Iliescu, Romania's provisional president, supported holding a trial first. Professor Mircea Teodorescu from the Polytechnic University of Bucharests Department of Bioresources and Polymer Science, co-authored papers with Elena Ceauescu between 1984 and 1989. Elena and Nicolae Ceauescu meet the Queen and Prince Philip in London on their state visit to the UK in 1978. But an often overlooked character in the regime is the wife of the Romanian dictator: Elena Ceaucescu. The other, the Prime Minister of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher, was elected by the people of her country. As they were halfway there, the Romanian dictator and his wife prepared to say their final words. An accusation of genocide was never proven. 2023. Got extra time before or after your North Korean group tour? Ultimately, when an offer from a Washington-based organization did not appear, she was forced to accept the honorary membership from the IAS. emblemhealth medicare customer service; did cody webster play college baseball 0 Home. A few days after her "thesis defense," a public presentation of her thesis was scheduled to take place at 7:30 am. [29], After the execution, the bodies were covered with canvas. A spokesperson for Wiley said: We take all allegations of authorship abuse very seriously and thank the individuals who brought this to our attention. Petrior took the couple to an agricultural centre near Trgovite, where they were locked in an office and were later arrested by soldiers from a local army garrison. The army and civilian authorities who overthrew Ceausescus repressive 24-year rule in last months bloody revolution have given conflicting details of the couples last hours before their execution Christmas Day. To keep this charade up, she would bring a translator with her. Photo byRomanian National History Museum. Nicolae Ceauescu: Builder of Modern Romania and International Statesman, Romanias minister of innovation resigned. She attended night school at the Polytechnic Institute in Bucharest for seven years from 1950, and after her graduation went to work at the National Institute for Research and Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry (ICECHIM), in the department working on elastomers a type of polymer. Gen. C-tin Lucescu, despre procesul Ceauetilor: Nu a existat niciun fel de dosar. Apply within! During a state visit to the People's Republic of China in June 1971, she took note of how Jiang Qing, Chairman Mao Zedong's wife, maintained a position of power. 6 January 1990. Joel Vostok is YPTs Soviet Europe manager and resident military history buff. Youtube, 21 Aug. 2014, [33] In 1990, a member of the National Salvation Front reported that 120 bullets were found in the couple's bodies. He was arrested and imprisoned multiple times. Born at the height of WW1 in 1916, Elena Ceausescu was born to a peasant family in the Romanian region of Wallachia. [16], She was sometimes nicknamed Codoi, referring to her alleged mispronunciation of the name of the chemical compound CO2 (C for carbon, O for oxygen, and "doi" being Romanian for "two"). Ex-Romanian dictator Ceausescu exhumed - NBC News The Ceauescus were accused of having $1 billion in foreign, Nicolae Ceauescu openly disavowed the court. As the leader of Romanias chemistry research team, she published various extensive research papers and books. The bitter legacy of Romania's 'first lady of science' - New Scientist Houchang Esfandiar Chehabi, Juan Jos Linz, O. Solomon, E. Ceauescu, S. Bittman, B. Hlevca, I. Florescu, E. Mihilescu i I. Ciut, Polimerizarea stereospecific a izoprenului cu trietilaluminiu i tetraclorur de titan, as cited in Lavinia Betea et al. Ceauescus scientific reputation may have had the full resources of the Romanian state behind it, but it could not have reached international proportions without the help of western publications, institutions and political leaders. The researchers say some of her work is still being cited and accessed, even though she was barely literate in science and unable to recognise basic formulas taught to first-year chemistry students. During the Romanian Revolution in 1989, Elena was present throughout the entire affair at her husbands side. The Last Days of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu He can usually be found striking a manly pose in front of tanks or hunting Soviet relics in the former Eastern Bloc. I knew from the very beginning that all papers resulted from these joint projects would have Elena Ceauescu as the first author, but I accepted the situation due to the location of the laboratory and also because the projects I participated in involved high-quality scientific research which offered me the opportunity to learn a lot and gain research expertise.. What did Disney actually lose from its Florida battle with DeSantis? She was known as an exceptionally vindictive person whose bad side you did not want to be on. What Colombia plans for their descendants, Messy storms roll eastward after slamming Texas, Louisiana, Ukrainians dig up more bodies from makeshift graves in once-occupied towns, New crew from U.S, Russia and UAE arrives at space station, Two Americans arrested on charges of selling tech to Russia. They were tried based on references, solely by offense-name or hearsay, to criminal acts they had committed in the opinion of prosecutors, or as alleged in press reports. Those opposing Ceauescu, his wife, their family and cronies many times disappeared for good. Escaping prison in August 1944 shortly before the Soviet occupation of Romania, Nicolae Ceausescu held Romania in an iron grip as communist leader from 1965 to 1989. She attended night school at the Polytechnic Institute in . Not a single scientist in either the West or the East ever wondered why she never participated in scientific debates. Nu am tiut nici eu, nici procurorul", "Cine a ordonat execuia lui Nicolae Ceauescu? 'systematic destruction of . Elena Ceausescu: Greatest Scientist Ever except she was a fraud "[29], In December 2018, Iliescu, former Deputy Prime Minister Gelu Voican Voiculescu, former Romanian Air Force chief Iosif Rus, and former National Salvation Front council member Emil Dumitrescu were indicted by Romanian military prosecutors for crimes against humanity for the deaths that occurred during the Romanian Revolution, most of which took place after Ceauescu was overthrown.