(ii) For the peer review score, an administrative error is applying the wrong peer reviewer scores to an application. In addition, TRIO-SSS may also provide Supplemental Grant Aid to currently enrolled first and second . Subpart D - What Conditions Must Be Met by a Grantee? TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) program is a Title IV federally funded grant provided by the U. S. Department of Education. U.S. and must be enrolled at The University of Southern Mississippi. (2) (4 points) Postsecondary retention. Funded through the U.S. Department of Education, this grant will serve 140 students annually who meet the specific eligibility criteria of: (a) first-generation college student, (b) student with a disability, and/or (c) low-income. (4) Mentoring programs involving faculty or upper class students, or a combination thereof. If the adjusted score assigned to the application would have resulted in funding of the application during the competition and the program has funds available, the Secretary funds the application prior to the re-ranking of applications based on the second peer review of applications described in paragraph (c)(9) of this section. The TRiO Student Support Services Records include grant proposals, reports, committee records, and other materials that document the establishment and ongoing development of TRiO and related programs. TRIO Student Support Services. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department of Education announced funding awards on August 5, 2020. here. (1) Is geographically apart from the main campus of the institution; (3) Offers courses in educational programs leading to a degree, certificate, or other recognized educational credential. The Student Support Services Program provides grants for projects designed to -. The Pell Grant awards money to low-income college students. Target schools are the focus of UB and UBMS program services that grantees deliver. Student scholars in our program are provided with comprehensive support services designed to help them succeed - free of charge! TRiO Student Support Services was established with the intent to provide students with academic growth and development opportunities, assist . These geographic indictors describe the type of community where a school . (d) Institutional commitment (16 points). TRIO SSS Grants are awarded to higher education institutions like Aims in order to offer free academic services to eligible participants. TRIO Student Support Services Program | SUNY Geneseo (ii) (2 points) Transfer within the number of years specified in the approved objective to institutions of higher education that offer baccalaureate degrees. National Evaluation of Student Support Services: Examination of Student Outcomes After Six Years (2010). No State plan is required. (2) An administrative error relates to either the PE points or the scores assigned to the application by the peer reviewers. This content is from the eCFR and may include recent changes applied to the CFR. (e) Quality of personnel (9 points). The following terms used in this part are defined in 2 CFR part 200, subpart A, or 34 CFR 77.1: (b) Other definitions. Unlike loans, recipients do not need to . A project period under the Student Support Services program is five years. NEC provides technical assistance to programs across the nation in the areas of program implementation; compliance assessments; external process-based evaluations; documentation, recordkeeping, and annual performance reporting; database management; and professional development workshops. 646.2 Who is eligible to receive a grant? This program is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education as part of the Federal TRIO Programs, which are a set of opportunity programs that motivate and support first-generation, low-income students in successfully pursuing post-secondary degrees. The program propels students at Michigan State University towards academic success and graduation. Project Need: South Central College (SCC) is a comprehensive community and technicalcollege with campuses in North Mankato and Faribault, Minnesota. Telephone: (202) 453-7739. (4) (10 points) The plan to provide services that address the goals and objectives of the project. PLEASE READ: Student Support Services is a federal TRIO Program serving students who qualify for the program. user convenience only and is not intended to alter agency intent Whether the applicant met or exceeded its objectives regarding the current and prior participants at the grantee institution who -, (i) (2 points) Complete a degree or certificate within the number of years specified in the approved objective; and. (2) Information, activities, and instruction designed to acquaint students participating in the project with the range of career options available to the students. Eligibility | TRIO Student Support Services Program at WSU Whether the applicant met or exceeded its objective regarding the participants served during the project year who are in good academic standing at the grantee institution. Simpson was notified of the grant in a letter from the office of Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). Postsecondary Degree Completion Rates Among Students on the Upward Bound/Upward Bound Math-Science to Student Support Services Pathway, Letter to TRIO and GEAR UP programs' project directors about an ED and HHS collaborative for disconnected youth. 646.23 How does the Secretary set the amount of a grant? Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097 or call 404 . North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. (4) (4 points) Degree completion (for an applicant institution of higher education offering primarily a baccalaureate or higher degree). TRIO SSS is a federally funded grant program that serves first generation and economically disadvantaged students as well as students with disabilities. Parkland TRiO is funded to support 180 students each school year, and has served well over 3,000 students since its inception in 1997. PART 646 - STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM. (2) An application that scored below the established funding band for the competition is not eligible for a second review. (e) Transportation and, with the prior approval of the Secretary, meals and lodging for participants and staff during approved educational and cultural activities sponsored by the project. (2) To the extent practical, the grantee may share staff with programs serving similar populations provided the grantee maintains appropriate records of staff time and effort and does not commingle grant funds. 1221e-3), (a) An applicant must assure the Secretary in the application that -, (1) Not less than two-thirds of the project participants will be -, (i) Low-income individuals who are first generation college students; or, (2) The remaining project participants will be low-income individuals, first generation college students, or individuals with disabilities; and. (7) If the Secretary determines that the Department or the Department's agent made an administrative error that relates to the PE points awarded, as described in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, the Secretary adjusts the applicant's PE score to reflect the correct number of PE points. TRIO Student Support Services - Federal Grants Wire TRIO also includes a training program for directors and staff of TRIO projects. TRIO Student Support Services | Loyola University New Orleans In order to qualify for the TRIO Student Support Services program, applicants must be: Currently enrolled or accepted for enrollment at Washington State University-Pullman Campus as an undergraduate; Be a U.S. citizen or a National of the United States or meet the requirements for federal student financial assistance; (1) Is determined to be eligible to participate in the project under 646.3; and. Private Computer Lab Access and Study Rooms, Familial and supportive environment and network. (i) For PE points, an administrative error includes mathematical errors made by the Department or the Department's agent in the calculation of the PE points or a failure to correctly add the earned PE points to the peer reviewer score. TRIO Student Support Services at BTC is 100% federally funded in the amount of $261,888 for the . Regulation Y Approximately four thousand participants have received support and services from the program. (g) Professional development travel for staff if directly related to the project's overall purpose and activities, except that these costs may not exceed four percent of total project salaries. (2) A technical or administrative error in the processing of an application includes -. SSS was created precisely because Congress recognized that financial aid alone is insufficient to ensure college completion. TRIO Student Support Services Program | The University of Southern (6) Activities designed to assist students enrolled in two-year institutions of higher education in applying for admission to, and obtaining financial assistance for enrollment in, a four-year program of postsecondary education. Director TRIO Student Support Services - careerbuilder.com The purpose of Grant Aid is to assist in supporting the successful progress toward and achievement of academic goals. In the 1970s, student support professionals who staffed these programs began to form associations to pool training and ideas on how best to serve the students. (A) A peer reviewer's appropriate use of his or her professional judgment in evaluating and scoring an application; (B) Any situation in which the applicant did not include information needed to evaluate its response to a specific selection criterion in the appropriate section of the application as stipulated in the Federal Register notice inviting applications or the other published application materials for the competition; or. Our mission is to equip traditionally underrepresented students who meet our eligibility requirements with the education, skills, resources, and support they need towards graduation and / or transfer to a four-year institution towards completion of a bachelor's degree. Combination of institutions of higher education means two or more institutions of higher education that have entered into a cooperative agreement for the purpose of carrying out a common objective, or an entity designated or created by a group of institutions of higher education for the purpose of carrying out a common objective on their behalf. first and second year TRIO-SSS Scholars who are Federal Pell grant recipients.
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