Doing ancestral research last year, I discovered that I am descended from a real witch. If youre an Eastey, perhaps youll inherit Marys strength and unwavering faith. Im Wiley family from Scotland, Ireland, Germany and I am a witch . I am the 11th great granddaughter of John Proctor. She and her brother, Hartger Henot, conflicted with Count Leonhard II von Taxis, who wanted to create a central post office. Never witnessed her using it when all was normal or happy moments. Alcina - A Greek sorceress. I have a niece who also seems to have the genes. If you have ancestors from New England, Maryland, Louisiana, the Carolinas, the Appalachians or Ozarks with any of these last names look at your family tree to determine if your ancestor might have been a witch! I am related to you on my mothers side my grandma maiden name is Putnam and are from Salem. A fancy surname for a dark sorceress. Mary had many friends who testified on her behalf, preventing her execution. My last name is Long, Do your ancestry DNA< I knew some Longs in GA and I think there are some in SC, Hello i am also looking for my bloodline im a decendent of the Bell witch you know the real one Patience Eldora Summers and Bertha Bellzora Summers. Sarah confessed, was found not guilty, and later exonerated anyway. Bien was originally an occupational name for a beekeeper or a nickname for a hardworking person (whose as busy as a bee.) For witches, the name has a dark past, associated with Merga Bien a German woman killed by fire after she was convicted of witchcraft at the Fulda witch trials. L.Porter your statement of needing help in opening or lets say balancing your chakras. Leek said she could trace her witch lineage back to the 1100s. She was accused of witchcraft by local priests but was so well-liked she was eventually released. Before diving into your familys history and comparing to the witch bloodline names below, In the last article Ancestral Witchcraft article, we listed off the names of the Salem witches. And for that I also do some research on my family, especially my fathers family because I dont really know them and my genealogy at this side. Thus, governments and society organized "hunts" for these alleged witches: accusing, torturing, and executing thousands of . Or, it may be a Middle English nickname for a leek grower or seller. Currently, the Bennett bloodline is the only known remaining bloodline of the coven, though it is known that descendants of the other witches in the coven still exist. Heir, Maximilian I, and one man was pressed witch cake is n't as appetising as it.. A mystical bearer was Doreen Valiente, an English Wiccan often revered as the Mother of Modern Witchcraft. An excellent surname for a powerful witch who will make great strides in the witching community. Waterhouse was initially a locational name for a house by a lake, river, or ocean. A well-known bearer was Shirley Jackson a horror and mystery author rumored to have been a witch. I have only witnessed her being able to use her abilities when angered,not just angry Im talking blood boiling mad. The surnames for me are Bruce and Hall. If youre serious, you might want to check out the married Salem witches maiden names too! Ann Glover was Irish and Catholic, which set her apart from her Puritan neighbors and led to her conviction. Thanks, Until I can translate or find a legible source, here I will provide the other known Scottish witch bloodline names: Perhaps you had a German or Swiss ancestor who was accused and/or executed for witchcraft. Lestat de Lioncourt from The Vampire Chronicles. After she left, supernatural phenomena occurred, leading to her accusation of witchcraft and sorcery. It is a fun and cool thing to find one, yes, but you can still practice ancestral witchcraft. In the popular 90s TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Willow Rosenberg is Buffys best friend and a witch who uses her powers to fight evil. A sad name for witches everywhere. Recently a book from the seventeenth century containing three hundred + names of Scottish witches was published online through the Wellcome Library / Good fortune to you and to all. But avoided embracing the ME me because I was trying to be a good Catholic. Im still trying to piece together whether the Bruces of the witch trials of Scotland are of the same relation. But we dont all have the ability to move off the grid and live like our ancestors once did. My mothers side went from Starling to Starlin. Parker was originally an occupational surname for someone who looked after a park. She is sometimes described as the last victim of Irelands witch trials. Just in time for Witch's Night (Halloween that is, not Walpurgisnacht),Londons Wellcome Library, which specializes in medical text and history, has digitizedManuscript 3658, Names of Witches in Scotland, 1658. I would love to find out if I am related to the Parker mentioned in the Salem list . Do you know anything about the bruce lineage in the trials? It also helps if you have a general idea of where your family originates. series Once Upon a Time. I am a Thornton and now all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together like in a BIG way hahahahaha. A few of my relatives were killed at Salem Susannah Martin was my Great Grandmom. Its witchcraft association comes from Bridget Cleary a woman killed by her husband because she was thought to have been replaced by a fairy changeling. Why is that? Pinterest. 2023 Smithsonian Magazine There are strong advocates on both sides of the fence, many Traditional witches believe firmly in bloodline, others believe a witch is made but by formal initiation by another witch. I know women with the surname of Erikson or Ericsson. There is an interesting book, The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut, 1647-1697, by John . We have always been witches. The Davidson family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Im a parker to I was givin up for adoption at age 7 I always knew I was different from everyone else Im sences are strong and I know hopefully one day Ill find out who I am till then Ill continue to dig and search for answers to questions I dont even know. Ive also included last names of well-known twentieth century English witches. They were often documented as "a young girl of nine", "the prettiest woman in town", "the rich woman", "the reverend of" A great surname for an undercover sorceress. Beliefs, techniques and practices are handed down from one generation to the next. Record your findings in your journal, BOS, or in your family tree! The names below are taken from Connecticut, Maryland, and New York witch trial documentation. Remy advocated for eliminating these bloodlines completely. Lovely. I have Walden, Andrews, Barker, Black, my aunts ex husband has Bradbury, one of my grandmas ex husband has Burroughs , my exs dad was married to a woman with the maiden name of Foster, my grandmas ex husband has Howe, and a Hutchins is married to a cousin, I have Hutchinson, and Jacobs, I have Martin, and a Parker married a cousin, and my fiancee has Jacobs, Rebecca Nurse is in my tree her son Benjamin had a daughter named Elizabeth she married Theophilus Phillips II she was his second wife I am not related to her but I am related to him, and I once dated a guy with the last name of Redd, I have Willard. If youve ever wondered if you descend from a line of witches, you could be right! Kosenc m Croatian (Rare), Slavic Mythology An old Croatian name of unknown meaning.. [ more] Kresnik m Slavic Mythology Some have been good, while others have been wicked with evil intentions. Flanagan is suitable for an evil witch who delves into dark magic. Check out the names of the German and Swiss witch bloodlines below. Juniper - On the Holy Day of Dyngusy, branches were used to playfully whip blessings onto each other. If you've ever wondered if you descend from a line of witches, you could be right! Here, Quedlinburg, a dazzling medieval town untouched by World War II, is a place. Can you help? Rasputin had frequent visions and believed he could see the future. Some witches make witchcraft their religion, some dont. You have to remember when researching that many families changed the spellings of their names when they immigrated to the US. Researching Early American Witch Ancestors. He founded the occult religion of Thelema and made himself the prophet. Do you have a family tree you can access? This classic surname is associated with John Alden Jr., a sailor, and merchant accused of witchcraft in Salem. If the water rejected them as a servant of the devil, they floated and were deemed guilty. It shows how almost every single ruler of Germany was related to every other by marriages, and hence they can all be put into a single tree. I barely scratched the surface of the witch bloodline names in America and Europe, so please stay tuned. The German lands have long been known as the 'heartland of the witch craze'. Its located in the Shop if youre interested. Be aware that there were thousands of German witches executed during the Medieval and Early Modern Era whose names were never recorded. Check your familial names on the witch bloodline names lists here. Evil Witch Names Bellatrix It's difficult to compile a list of evil witches without adding the name Bellatrix. A well-known bearer was Ann Hibbins a woman executed for witchcraft in Boston before the Salem witch trials. He was described as a confident, strong-willed, and well-built man, noted for his cleverness and super-human strength. Thank you for sharing!!! Its often associated with Samatha Stephens a fictional witch from the popular American fantasy sitcom, Bewitched. Email me at, Im with you I want to know about the witches in the Caribbean, [] 8. From Scottish: Guthrie and Reid Read on to discover 100 awesome witch last names fit for a mage! Pure-blood was the term for wizarding families who claimed to have no Muggles, Squibs, Muggle-borns, or half-bloods in their family tree; however, when traced back far enough, nearly every family tree had a few non-magical ancestors. Wildblood was developed during medieval times as a nickname for a spirited or hot-headed person. Wow i never new there were sow much ancestors one the list from northern Europa. Many believed Anne Boleyn was a witch who engaged in mystical practices. We won't send you spam. Associated names are Blackburn, Vannoy, and Bishop, and Langford. Leckrone, from grandma on dads side witch married a Darrow, Bangham from my great grandma from my moms side that married a Fultz? Le Fay is derived from the Middle English faie (fairy), ultimately from the Latin fata (the Fates). Faulkner is a great surname for a powerful witch with authority. By any other name would smell as sweet." In Act 2 of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," Juliet does eventually realize that the Montague name has less significance than her beloved Romeo, and alas, the two . I have some gifts through my Ayers family lineage. A good way for gamers to come up with new clan names is to use a random name g. National</NOBR> Security Agency (NSA). She inspired the poem The Witchs Daughter by John Greenleaf Whittier. The ledger records all the men and women accused of witchcraft in Scotland in between 1658 and 1662, during the apex of a century-long witch scare. Merry meet!!!! Monvoisin is a fancy surname for witches, well-suited for a sorceress in high society. I am a practising witch and I want to know if Im related to Susannah Martin. An excellent surname for a well-liked witch. The most Davidson families were found in USA in 1880. In this list, I am including witches from the Scandinavian and Northern European countries. Read and read some more. A witch named Fortune could have insight into the world beyond. No one was burnt in Salem. I have Ayers, Parker, and Langdon lineage. Advertising Notice Cuchulain in Battle" by Joseph Christian Leyendecker (1874 - 1951) shows the famous Irish warrior flanked by a crow, often thought to be a manifestation of the Morrgan or badh. Id love to connect. Explore. She later embraces her magical powers, becoming one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world. This might mean charms and spells, or the use of healing herbs and other types of folk medicine, or both. Ancestral Witchcraft: Witch Bloodline Names from Salem, Scotland, Germany, Italy and Scandinavia []. Therefore if the forefathers didn't reside in Salem, however, live somewhere else regarding U.S., you may find they right here! MacLeod is derived from the Gaelic surname MacLeid (son of Leod), ultimately from the Old Norse ljtr (ugly). Kyteler is derived from the Old Norse ketill (cauldron) which are large pots used by witches to make potions in fiction and folklore. die Hexerei - witchcraft die Hebamme - midwife der Vampirismus - vampirism der Kindermord - child murder foltern - to torture der Dmon - demon die Armut - poverty der Teufel - devil die Salbe - ointment schrecklich - frightful gottlos - unholy ('godless') die Zauberei - sorcery/magic der Eid - oath die Wahrheit - truth die Legende - legend C) The original created Eves the first hybrid woman, was the mother of all black-skinned peoples of Africa. Witches are known for using herbs and other natural concoctions in their potions, making this surname especially appropriate. Curtens is an Anglicized form of the Gaelic surname Mac Cruitn (son of Cruitin). Stephens is derived from the given name Stephen a Greek name from stephanos (crown, wreath). Alita - "Winged one." Althea - "Healer." Alvin/Alvina - "Elf." A famous bearer was Rebecca Fowler the only person executed for witchcraft in Maryland. Ive had natural witch instincts all my life. Her daughter was also charged, jailed and but she was found guilty. 15 Signs You Come From A Family of Witches, TOP 10 Most Popular Blog Posts from 2018! A suitable surname for a witch with Spanish ancestry. Powers used to heal in the art of Braucherei are derived . If your surname is FitzGerald, you may be related to the famous wizards. Can anyone tell me if I am from a witch bloodline? The witch association comes from Maria Pauer the last person executed for witchcraft in Austria.
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